Ok I know what you're thinking.......that's just a blank piece of cork board.  You would be correct! What I want you to see is the before and the after because I think is is pretty  amazing.  This piece of cork is best suited for use as a message board and the two examples that follow will reflex that intent.  The piece is 17" by 11" and can be turned to accomodate a vertical or horiznal picture.  There is a wide range of options available as far as pictures that can  be used.  Mostly that is up to the discretion of the customer.  We love animals and the outdoors so alot of our samples go in that direction. Each picture is put into a computer program which helps with how the actual picture will look on different mediums. So here are two finished pieces of cork message boards.  If you like them please visit the other pages on this site.

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    My name is Sandra. I am the chief computer operator at RazorLaser Engraving. We are always trying to discover new ways to use our laser engraving machine.


    April 2013
    December 2012
    August 2012

