I turned this professional photograph into a piece of leather art work.  Sure it is the same picture but the quality and detail of the leather is excellent and what a great conversation piece.  Not just every one has a portrait of themselves, their family or friends engraved on a piece of leather.
Most professional photographs will engrave beautifully, other photographs can be engraved but  some factors have to be considered, such as, picture quality, subject matter, brightness of the photo and size of the photo  Generally a look at the picture will deterime if a particular photo should be used.
     Absolute Black Mable is great to work on and it comes in several different shapes and sizes. The possibilities are almost endless. Imagine starting with a solid black piece of stone and ending up with a gorgeous piece of art.

     These pieces can be used as decorations, garden stones, to commemorate special occassions, or even memorials.  There are many applications for this wonderful medium. The possibilities are limited only by your imagination.


Ok I know what you're thinking.......that's just a blank piece of cork board.  You would be correct! What I want you to see is the before and the after because I think is is pretty  amazing.  This piece of cork is best suited for use as a message board and the two examples that follow will reflex that intent.  The piece is 17" by 11" and can be turned to accomodate a vertical or horiznal picture.  There is a wide range of options available as far as pictures that can  be used.  Mostly that is up to the discretion of the customer.  We love animals and the outdoors so alot of our samples go in that direction. Each picture is put into a computer program which helps with how the actual picture will look on different mediums. So here are two finished pieces of cork message boards.  If you like them please visit the other pages on this site.


My  son, the photographer, took this beautiful wedding picture a few weeks ago. We  at RazorLaser Engraving thought it would be the perfect subject to use to try  out a new medium. This photograph was engraved on black artist (scratch board). 

It is a similar to engraving on black granite or black marble but without the
weight. Another difference is the artist board is not suitable for outdoor use
and the marble would be fine for that. Sizes include 5 x 7 and 8 x 10. No
framing is necessary.

 I decided to start a blog so I could keep people up to date on RazorLaser 
Engraving.  My husband, Randy, started a small business after he retired 3
years  ago. He wanted something to keep him busy so he wouldn't get "bored"
since he  wasn't going to work any more. He saw this advertisement for a CO2
Laser  Engraver and a new passion was born. We have already learned so much,  but we  are learning more everyday.  There are so many different materials that  can be  laser engraved, some examples are black granite, black marble, leather,  cork,  glass, acrylic, wood, and recently we learned about black artist board,  painted  canvas and cloth. We enjoy being creative and discovering things we  didn't  know.  I am going to post pictures of new projects as well as how we  came to be  doing those projects, whether it be a personal idea or a request  from someone  else.  So check back often and see what we can do.


    My name is Sandra. I am the chief computer operator at RazorLaser Engraving. We are always trying to discover new ways to use our laser engraving machine.


    April 2013
    December 2012
    August 2012

